To Seoul and Back (2014)

This is a photo series I shot last week during the Lunar Holiday. We took a bus from Sinpyeong to Seoul and rode the subways around the city.

to seoul and back (2014)

Looking Back on 2013. Looking Forward to 2014

As 2013 winds down, I wanted to take a minute to look back on this year.
2013 was full of new changes, huge decisions, and thousands of miles of traveling.

In December 2012 Sarah and I were talking about teaching in Asia and started doing our research. A few months later we signed up for the TEFL course in Portland. The high school I taught at closed down at the end of May. Sarah and I packed up the car with all of our possessions and I said goodbye to the house that I had spent the last 4 years of my life living in.

We said goodbye to our friends and family and drove across the country for several weeks to Portland, Oregon. We took the TEFL course, taught adult students from Beijing, became certified, and started interviewing for jobs in South Korea. We were hired and flew out at the end of September. We went to Japan in October to get our Visas and started teaching that following week.

We have spent the last few months adjusting to our new lives in Korea and teaching English to Korean students

2014 will see new classes, adult students, and a bunch of new posts and video series.

In the morning, Sarah and I are heading to Seoul to pick up her friend Rin who will be staying with us until she finds a teaching job in Korea. We will be spending New Years and the next few days in Seoul.

Stay tuned for a ton of new things in 2014.

Happy New Year everyone.

Christmas in Korea

Christmas was a few days ago but I wanted to take the time to gather all of the pictures together of my take on how Korea celebrates Christmas. This Santa Claus is next door to Indigo where we teach. When you walk by it, the Gangnam style song plays and he dances. I have video that will be a future conleys overseas episode.


In my classes we talked about Christmas and had the students do crossword puzzles and worksheets. We also discussed the differences between Christmas in America and Korea. There are a few things but overall it wasn’t too much different.


I let the students write what they wanted for Christmas on the board.


Sarah had her students color christmas lights and put their names on them.


My students did a lot of Christmas worksheets that helped build their vocabulary words, and I put them up in my classroom.


Here is the tree that is up in the lobby:


The day before Christmas, we had a Christmas party and the students made Christmas cards.


The students also played a bunch of games like jenga and ate snacks.IMG_20131224_161355

Some students colored these and gave them to us.


There were various decorations around the school.

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Today was our last day of work before the break!

No school until January 6th!

Stay tuned for more!

Top 5 Awfully Good Christmas Movies

To coincide with my “Top 5 Favorite Christmas Movies,” I decided to make a “Top 5 Awfully Good Christmas Movies.” The idea came to me when my friends, Johannes and Sebastian reminded me of a film we watched at their family Christmas in Southern Bavaria several years ago. That film is in the #1 spot. Enjoy!

5. Santa With Muscles (1996)

Hulk Hogan gets amnesia and thinks he is Santa Claus.

4. Jack Frost (1998)

Michael Keaton is a musician who dies in an accident but gets reincarnated as a Snowman because his son played a magic harmonica.

3. Jingle All the Way (1996)

Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sinbad, and Phil Hartman. It seems you couldn’t go wrong with this combination, but they did.

2. Ernest Saves Christmas (1988)

As if this needed a plot. Christmas is in danger but don’t worry because Ernest comes to the rescue. I couldn’t find a trailer so this is the entire film!

And my #1 Awfully Good Christmas film is:

1. Santa’s Slay (2005)

This film is about a homicidal Santa Claus who goes around murdering everyone!

What are your favorite Awfully Good Christmas Movies?

Leave them in the comments below!